Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Political Bio

Hey there everyone.. My name is Courtney Blackwell and I am doing this blog for my U.S Government class. I am supposed to be writing about my political bio but sadly there is not much to write. I have not yet had the chance to vote, this coming up presidential election will be my first, and I am still not sure on who to vote for because I am not sure on where they stand, or where I stand for that matter. I took the political ideology test and it says that I am post modern. I am pretty sure that that means that I am somewhere in the middle of everything. I am taking this class to learn some more about our government and what it's all about since I now will be able to vote and I need to understand what the candidates are talking about to make the right decision for me. I am also hoping that the discussions in this class will help me to figure out where I am politically and what my beliefs are.

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